Wednesday, June 30, 2010

In Two Weeks from Now

In two weeks from now I'll be frantically vacuuming my house and cleaning toilets. In two weeks from now I'll be making sure there's food in the fridge and plenty of extra toilet paper in the bathrooms. In two weeks from now I'll be giving my two boys as many hugs and kisses as I can possibly manage while I can still give them as much of my undivided attention as possible. In two weeks from now I'll probably take my kids to the pool and then go out to dinner because I'll actually be too tired to do anything else. In two weeks from now I'll calmly take a shower, ask my sweet husband to give me a blessing and then proceed to sleep restlessly thinking about our new baby that will be born the next morning.

I haven't made mention of it here in the last eight months, but baby boy #3 is coming in just two weeks. There is so much emotion build up with this pregnancy I can hardly believe it's already time. We're excited and a bit anxious, but will look forward to every moment that comes.