1. While drinking regular Sprite soda (which I'm not sure he's ever had before) said, "It's too sweet. It has too many apples in it."
2. While looking through a book, A started singing "where is Jesus, where is Jesus," then knowingly and in a very serious tone said, "Oh, I found Him."
3. We were at the library and A needed a drink. This drinking fountain just had a small button to push instead of a long bar across the front. He got very creative with his knee.
4. During bedtime scripture reading we had this conversation (we were reading the children's Book of Mormon reader about the Nephi and Lehi, the sons of Helaman when they were in prison)
Me: "...and Nephi and Lehi looked toward heaven."
A: "Mom, where is heaven?
Me: "Humm. Well, it's in the sky over the earth. Heavenly Father lives there."
A: "Oh, by Jackson's house." (about 10 minutes away)
Me: "No, in the sky."
A: laughing "No, Heavenly Father's house is by Jackson's house!"
5. Another night, instead of the Book of Mormon reader, A wanted to look at a Book of Mormon picture calendar from Grandma for scripture study. Daddy turned to the first page, a picture of Lehi and his family leaving Jerusalem.
Daddy: "I spy with my little eye a camel." (A loves I Spy books)
A: Very confused, turning to mom, "That's not I Spy."
6. I was on the phone in the other room when A came and asked if he could have a lollipop. I said yes and kept talking. Some time later I came out to the kitchen to find six bare lollipop sticks and then nine wrappers! I'm not sure where the other three sticks ended up...
The lollipops made me laugh so hard. H takes a while to go through one, but apparently A has it down how to cruise through 6, or 9! You should enter him in a lollipop eating contest- I think he's got a shot! What a cutie!
He must feel at peace at our house... it's very heavenly! What a cutie ~ Jackson had never finished a lollipop before, until he ate one with your little guy! FUNNY
Yeah, I think its Heaven very close to J house too. Funny guy you have there.
He is so funny and adorable and I miss him like crazy! We could use more of A. and his family around here! And his trick with the lollipops reminds me so much of a few little people I know...
Oh he is so cute!! I love Andrew I just think he is the funniest thing ever. I was playing hide and seek with him in the chapel last Sunday... so much fun!!! If you ever need anything just ask... that is what friends are for. :)
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