Monday, January 26, 2009

The Testimony of A Three-year-old

Our son has been asking to bear his testimony in church for the last couple of fast Sundays. We ascribe to the counsel that little children should be given a chance to share their testimonies at home until they are older. So, we've been having a little testimony meeting during family home evening the last few weeks. Tonight's testimony was classic: I know this Church is true. I know the temple has lots of doors. I'm thankful we get to have banana splits. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Suzanne said...

That's my kind of testimony. I too am glad for doors and banana splits.

maryirene said...

elliot has said the same kind of "testimony". don't you just love this learning stage! they want so badly to understand everything. that is so adorable. thanks for sharing!

I stinketh not!! said...

Thats a delightful testimony!

Trevor and Alissa said...

Chellae! This is Alissa Lindgren from your BYU married ward. You were my Relief Society president. I just found your blog off of Christine Smith's blog. How great to find you. Email me at and I will add you to our blog. We just barely made ours private.

Lindsay said...

Amen on the banana splits! You're going to love having this written down.

Amy Lynn said...

Very sweet. I can hear him saying it in my mind with his very serious, sweet face! And I'd like to add my testimony about banana splits...they are true and delicious! Amen.