Tuesday, February 17, 2009

650 Calories

Saturday night I needed to run 4 miles to be on track for my race training. J had all the extension chords in his car at work so I had to wait until after midnight to do my run when he came home and I could actually plug in the treadmill. J stayed up to keep me company while I did my death run during the middle of the night. Did you know that when you run 4 miles and then do some walking cool down you can burn 650 calories! I know. Crazy. It took me just over 55 minutes. I'm on track to run 10 miles this week.

Wish me luck!


Dani W said...

Wow! Congrats!!! I am so impressed... you are doing so well and have been so optomistic and motivated... good for you! Keep up the hard work... 650 cal... awesome!

I stinketh not!! said...

Thats just down right impressive. What a great husband you have, staying up with you. You must feel great.

Amy Lynn said...

Wow! I discovered that if I do my run and then walk a little and bump the "incline" up 1 or 2%'s, then you really finish off with a bang in calories! But to do it at midnight? You should get an extra 100 calories burned just for dedication and devotion!!!! You are going to smoke the race!

K-Krew said...

Running in the middle of the night? That's dedication. I'm impressed with all the running. Keep up the great work and good luck with the 10 miles!

Sunni said...

Wow that is dedication! maybe you can send some of that motivation my way.